We at
Community Comics have recently entered into an agreement with
WOWIO to present our material on their site for free downloading.
WOWIO books are free because sponsors pay authors and publishers on your behalf. It’s a win-win scenario. You do need to register with
WOWIO before downloading any material, but the process is very easy.
We currently have 2 titles available:
Legends -- Story and art by Sherwin Schwartzrock.
Legends presents the story of “Korah’s Rebellion” from Numbers 16 in a very dynamic manner. Witness the mighty power of God in action when tensions arise in the wilderness as Moses is openly confronted by opposing clans.
This is the comic that took the Christian comics community by storm when it debuted back in 2000. From out of nowhere, a new talent burst upon the scene, and his name was Schwartzrock! Sherwin Schwartzrock had been working as a designer for about 15 years before his attention was turned towards comics and he produced Legends in his spare time. Since then he has been a major contributor to the Christian comics community, helping out numerous publishers and building Community Comics along with Ben Avery, Darren Brady and myself.
Legends also includes the back-up story “Good News” by Ben Avery and Sherwin Schwartzrock.
The Thieves -- Story by Ben Avery with art by Paolo Libunao
The Thieves is a look at the greatest story ever told, but told with a twist, focusing on the men who were hung on either side of Jesus.
Three bandits find themselves in over their heads when a robbery turns into the murder of an important Roman citizen. Suddenly, everything spins out of control as one faces losing his family, another faces losing his freedom, and all three face losing their lives at the hands of the Romans. It's a story of love and hate, revenge and redemption, hopelessness and hope.
Please feel free to bookmark our Publisher’s Page so you can check back from time to time. We will be adding more of our Community Comics titles as well as some very exiting titles from other Christian creators.