Saturday, March 15, 2008


The comic that really got me going on this stuff is now online for free over at WOWIO. I had been working on various things for a good ten years prior to HeroTV, but this was my first time wearing the editor’s hat and managing two writers and ten different artists under the framework of a single story clicked for me. This was also the project that gelled things between me, Ben Avery and Sherwin Schwartzrock and led to the formalization of Community Comics as an actual business entity.

HeroTV is a superhero satire/adventure that examines the concept of a hero in today’s media-crazed culture.

Is it by might? Is it by power? What makes a hero?

In HeroTV: CAPES we travel alongside a team of reality-show camera operators as they document the day-to-day activities of Metro City’s superheroes. But events of the day take an interesting, and quite telling, turn when Professor Graviton arrives and holds the entire city hostage.

HeroTV: CAPES features the creative talents of Ben Avery, Darren Brady, Sherwin Schwartzrock, Bud Rogers, Jeremy Zehr, Kneon Transitt, Jesse Hamm, Brian Proctor, Bill Webb, Joey Endres, Eric Jansen, Don Kelly and Jonathan Koelsch.

Originally Published in June 2003 by Community Comics
HeroTV is (c) and TM 2008 Ben Avery

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